Saturday, April 11, 2009


So...I haven't posted in about a month and thought it was about time! First, let me say that some major things have occurred since my last blog:
1. I finished my Master's program. (You may now call me Master Jen). Ha.
2. I hit the 50 lb. loss mark! I'm feeling good but really need to "step it up" in the exercise department. Pun intended, of course.
3. I'm considering buying a house. Now's the time to buy...but I still have some reservations.

You see, I'm one of those types of individuals who need constant change. I thrive on it. I crave it. I can't stand the thought of coming across as just "ordinary", which is why I don't always like to do what everyone expects or follow the crowd. So, that means I have a difficult time with the idea of buying a house and putting down some roots. It's not that I'm afraid of commitment. Rather, I have such an adventuresome spirit and still imagine myself moving to Europe for a couple years...or moving half-way across the you have any ideas for me? I was hoping to "get it out of my system" but I have succumbed to the realization that it will never go away. I finally understand why my mom moved our furniture around several times a year when I was growing up. It was her need for change, which is now my need for change.

I'd like to pretend that when God blesses me with a husband, I'll be able to stifle the craving. Yeah...I know better than that. God should probably be preparing my husband-to-be with extraordinary reflexes and senses because otherwise, he might be tripping over some furniture! :)